Professor Wei Dong, studied fine art at one of the finest schools in China, the School of Art and Design at TsingHua University, earning his undergrad degree in 1984. From there he continued his education in the School of Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University, one of this country’s best art institutes and received his Masters for Fine Arts in 1988. Wei Dong began his art/design creation and teaching career in the School of Design at Iowa State University between 1989 to 1993. Currently he is a full professor with a distinguished achievement professorship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 1993.
Wei is known nationally and globally for his artwork which have been collected by both private collectors and large companies, particularly in the Virginia and Washington D.C. areas. Wei holds several honoree professorships at a variety of universities throughout the US and China. He has also received several art and design awards from international art shows and competitions such as Interior Design Educator Council and the Art and Design Educators competition in the US. His creative work has also been presented in numerous galleries’ shows and presentations nationally and internationally as well. Professor Wei Dong has given lectures and workshops across the US, Asia, the Middle East, and has been invited by over fifty universities globally. He continues to write about his creation ideas and process by publishing two books in which one has been translated from English into Spanish, and Korean. For his extraordinary records of creative scholarship, outstanding performance in teaching and service, he has received variety distinguished awards from the University of Wisconsin –Madison, USA.